Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Money Madness

Get mad, not even.

Have you ever gotten ticked off about your financial status? I mean irritated, frustrated and just down right stuck on it? Darn it, you want to be able to get whatever you want, when you want it. You were not born to be patient, stress about money nor go without.

Are you still experiencing the desire to have a bit more cash around for comfort? Okay, I know. Some of you are bold enough to admit you want an avalanche of money. It doesn't matter why you want the money. Some of you want it so you can give it away to a cause that has meaning to you. Some of you want simply to be able to pay your bills on time. And many of you want true wealth to have any creature comfort you desire. Any reason is worthy enough to attract money.

The big question is: are you really tired of wanting more? I have watched many clients, as well as myself, whine and fret about money and not do anything about it. What the heck is that about? Complain about your discomfort about money but keep thinking and doing the same things? You know what that's called, right? Insanity. Yep, it'll make you crazy to have the same results and not do anything different.

Do you want to do something different but don't know what to do? Great! Ask for help! That is the first step. Do you know what action is needed but won't do it? GREAT! Break down that step into even smaller steps, and take just one step. I'm serious. The power of even taking the time to take a baby step can change everything.

I don't think it's right for anybody to be suffering over a circumstance that is absolutely within your control. I know to some of you, it feels out of your control but it's not. It all comes down to confidence. Yep! In order to have more money, you have to feel that you are worthy of more money, struggle less and know that you have the resources to attract more. It's incredible how easy it is to have money. But it only seems easy once you've done it a few times.

What is the solution for you - until the time comes that you actually have the money you desire in your pocket or bank account? Breathe. Look at the current situation and breathe. You do this to relax. You get present to what your current state is and accept it. You accept that is real only for this moment. Next, you decide exactly where you are going. Not wishful thinking here. Understand, you have a choice to keep getting the same results by doing the same thing or get committed to something better. What is the something better?

Next, get committed to stop all stressful thoughts about the money. Get pissed off at the ego mind of yours. Tell it to shut up! You have a choice to get bogged down in that stress or not. Now choose simple new habits. They can be small stepsrefuse to create any new debt unless you need itlike food on the table. Or commit to one action a day that could potentially bring you new money. You can commit to paying $10 or more each month to a credit card payment (or $1000 if you have it).

I totally believe that most people do understand the power of commitment. Deciding with conviction that something will happen and then trusting that decision will always yield you favorable results. It's the stressing over it that will cause delay in this process. We make poor decisions when under stress because we are reacting rather than planning. Making choices when you have high negative emotions running through your body can create less than satisfactory results.

Again, use your irritation to propel you forward. Turn that negativity into something positive. Step out of stress and defeat and into more powerful emotions and do something new.

Jeanna Gabellini is the Xtreme Abundance Coach. She'll give you all the tools you need to create financial wealth and prosperity with her personal coaching, tele-courses and audio products. Jeanna blends strategy, Laws of attraction and FUN to assist you in creating exactly what you want. Are you ready for Extreme Abundance? Go to http://www.MasterPeaceCoaching.com to get your free ezine or call 707-747-0447 for more info.Ailey Blog57895
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